Information for Presenters

With eResearch NZ 2023 fast approaching, please find important information below regarding your presentation. A current version of the conference programme can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Publishing PowerPoints and Abstracts

We plan to publish content from the conference (in the form of abstracts and powerpoint presentations) to Figshare after the conference. Please email us to opt out if you do not consent to having your powerpoint and / or abstract published.

Publishing Virtual Recordings

To enhance the experience of this hybrid conference for all who register, all sessions will be recorded and will be able to be accessed for one month after 17 February 2023.

No paper or presentation may be cited, quoted from, or used in any way without the explicit permission of the author/presenter. The eResearch NZ conference asserts no copyright in the recordings. The recordings will be available viewing only by those who register for the conference and will be taken down and not stored in any way one month after the conference concludes.

In-Person Presentation Upload

Please provide your PowerPoint presentations to the Tech Desk in the Room you are presenting in on a USB memory stick during the break immediately prior to your session.

Rooms and AV

Each room features standard audio-visual equipment including a data projector and screen, clicker, presentation laptop and lectern microphone. Oral talks will be supported by an AV technician who will be available to assist in testing prior to the session starting.

Dr John Gallagher Concert Chamber, Te Whare Tapere Iti, Playhouse Theatre and the Dance Studio will be setup as theatre style.

The Upstairs Lounge will be setup as workshop style with collaborative tables and can fit a max of 30 workshop participants.

File Naming Convention

Please save your presentation file using the below naming convention to better assist the conference AV tech:

Presentation Session Number__Presenter name (first_ last)
Example: A1_Joe_Smith

Allowed Speaking Time

Please take note of your speaking slot in the programme:

Keynote Speakers – you have 1 hour which includes any time you’d like to allocate for Q&A
Oral presentations – you have 20 minutes which includes 15 minutes for your presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A
Birds of a Feather – each presenter has 1 hour – as there is no Chair for the BoF sessions, it is vital that speakers keep to their allotted time
Lightning Talks / Poster – each speaker has 5 minutes to talk to 20 slides, with each slide advancing after 15 seconds


Virtual Presenters

You will present directly via the Zoom application. The day before you are due to present you will be sent the following via email:

  • Your personalised Zoom Link – you will be asked to join your session during the previous break to complete a brief tech rehearsal
  • Name & contact details of your Zoom Meeting Host
  • Reminder of ‘on-the-day’ instruction

All presentations will be recorded and streamed into out virtual conference platform. You do not need to be logged in to the virtual conference platform during your virtual presentation.

We recommend familiarising yourself with sharing your presentation slides in zoom in advance. Any questions received from attendees (either at the live conference, or watching via the virtual platform) will be asked to you via zoom by the session moderator.

On the day we will ask that you join your zoom meeting in the break before your session starts. There will be an AV technician in the meeting who can help check that your audio, video and screen share are working correctly (there may also be other virtual presenters in the meeting).

You are welcome to watch on the virtual conference platform during others presentations, but note there will be a delay and you should not be viewing in the platform during your presentation.



Days until Conference








Thank you to our 2023 Partners and Sponsors:

Presenting Partners:







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